Coogee Beach
Surf Life Saving Club

At the club we rely on our fabulous volunteers to help run beach and club operations.

The following role profiles (listed below) are currently available:

To express interest in any of the positions please complete the nomination form below and email to  [email protected]

  • Director of Marketing
      • Responsible for developing, managing, and controlling the use of the Club’s brand, promote awareness of the Club to the local community and handle any public relations issues and securing sponsorship and managing the Club’s obligations under such agreements.
      • Director of Marketing Duty Statement


  • Director of Venue Operations


  • Nippers BBQ Co-ordinators
      • The Club is seeking six (6) to eight (8) Nippers BBQ Coordinators working a set roster will be responsible for the coordination of volunteers in the setup of the Clubrooms, food preparation, cooking, and service activities for the Sunday Nippers BBQ. Nipper Parents will be rostered on throughout the season to help with the Sunday Nippers BBQ, it is expected that parents will be rostered on twice during the season, the roster will be finalised and issued a week before the commencement of the season. If you are unavailable to fill your roster, it will be your responsibility to find a replacement.
      • Nipper BBQ Co-ordinator Duty Statement