Coogee Beach
Surf Life Saving Club

The Coogee Beach Surf Life Saving Club

is a dedicated volunteer organisation providing opportunities for Family participation and life development, where each family member can find something of interest, regardless of age or ability. We welcome new members and visitors to share our passion for serving our community, or just enjoy being a Social member.

The Club has been established to provide an essential emergency service and enhance aquatic safety to the City of Cockburn beach: providing surveillance, protection, medical assistance, and rescue services through beach patrols along the Cockburn Coast. Surf Life Saving also provides recreational, training and personal development and competitive sporting activities for all members of the community.



Provide quality Surf Life Saving Services and Community Education Programs to the City of Cockburn and surrounding areas whilst providing a safe and Family Friendly Club that promotes Beach Safety, Surf Sports Competition and Surf Lifesaving Education.

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