Coogee Beach
Surf Life Saving Club


Coogee Beach Surf Life Saving Club runs a nippers program to introduce children to Surf Life Saving, the beach, rescue methods, surf sports and a range of other valuable life skills.  These activities start from age 5 and as the children develop a love for surf sports they are offered the opportunity to compete at SLSWA carnivals.

The Coogee Beach Surf Sports Department has achieved some improving performances and results over the past few seasons; this has resulted in the club becoming an identifiable and competitive group within the SLSWA competition areas. This own is testament to the Age Group Managers, Coaches, volunteers and competitors of CBSLSC implementing some strategic and discipline specific training within their age groups and chosen fields of competition.   As a club we endeavor to nurture and support our athletes and with the guidance of our Surf Sports Policy offer many member benefits such as Travel Subsidies and allocation of craft.


Surf Sports Disciplines Surf Sports showcase the skills and physical abilities required to save a life. Disciplines vary from the famous Iron Man events to theory based First Aid events, and welcome male and female competitors in categories from Under 9 to 70+. Coogee Beach and SLSWA have the ability to compete in the following disciplines:

Please click on the below link (courtesy of SLSSA) to obtain further information on the specific events for each of the above disciplines, these are aligned with the SLSA Competition Manual.